
Sentiments of the Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire players

Many Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire players noticed that very recently, the application have been receiving many positive reviews (mostly 5 stars WITH very few words such as Nice, Fun, Great game, etc...) while many 1 or 2 stars reviews are ACTUALLY written in more than few words on Google Play, Amazon, or on Apple app Store.

There is no hard proof that either MZ or any other parties are involved in a scheme to get more 5 stars for the Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire app (or other MZ games such as Game of War Fire Age (GOW), Mobile Strike (MS), World War Rising (WWR)) on Google Play, Amazon, or Apple app Store but after reading this article and this article, this writer started to wonder why the apps have high stars rating while many people are upset with MZ.

This writer has written many reviews on Yelp, Amazon, Google Play, Apple app store, etc... but never written a review with very few words such as "Nice", "Fun", "Great game", "easyrobux.time gives us robux!", "This app is for free robux on ROBLOX", "Well I only download becuz I wanted to get free ROBUX SOO I AM USING IT. Haaaaaa go to RBX.PLACE on Google if you want ROBUX ON ROBLOX", etc... and give it a 5 stars review. It could be because the person writing the review is either impatience, did not know what to say, or as the article pointed out, the more you review, the more you get paid regardless of how many words are in the actual review. After all, only the 5 stars is what they are after.

Exert of FTC Consumer Review Fairness Act:


In summary, the Act makes it illegal for a company to use a contract provision that:
  1. bars or restricts the ability of a person who is a party to that contract to review a company’s products, services, or conduct;
  2. imposes a penalty or fee against someone who gives a review; or
  3. requires people to give up their intellectual property rights in the content of their reviews.

See Game of War being advertised

Game of War
Mobile Strike
 World War Rising
Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire 
Release Date: June 25th, 2013
Release Date: July 11th, 2015
Release Date: October 25th, 2018
Release Date: June 29th, 2018
Screen shots taken on May 9th, 2019
Apple App Store

Google Play Store

Amazon App Store


Since the real reviews are hidden by very few words 5 stars reviews, this writer was approached to create a blog with the REAL sentiments and reviews from players around the world. Here are the REAL reviews written by the REAL players.

Game Handle: S**D**D**
Realm name: Powerful Demesne, Realm # 101
Current Power: 92 billion
Date of writing: April 28th, 2019

Your opinion of the game: The game itself was fun when it first started. I played the original game by this game developer, Game of War: Fire Age. I have been playing this game since the launch day, and at times, I am on 10-12 hours a day until the released of the Dark World aka resetting the game to complete zero on April 20th, 2019. Since then, I am barely on the game.

The game went on several Boycotts / Strikes / Revolts due to the fact that MZ is too focusing on making money so that they can go IPO instead of fixing many game play issues that players have been emailing them about.

The Support Staff is not knowledgeable and most have no idea what players are talking about except by answering emails with “Game is working as intended”. My understanding is that most of their staff does not play their own products, so when we send them emails, they are at a lost. Another thing about staff is that do not hold your breath thinking they will answer soon. Sometimes, they don’t answer for days!!

MZ believes (in my opinion) that the more new features and upgrades are introduced, the more players will forget what was originally broken in the first place. Seems like a good idea, but the new stuff that they have been releasing even worst and more broken. May be, they need to fire their WHOLE QA Staff, and re-staff the department with people who will actually test the SW prior to releasing. You can see for many articles written about this game. Greed over anything is the KEY. The more we release, the more people will buy is their motto. 

Beware of Bait and Switch! MZ is very good at Bait and Switch. They will advertise certain packs then remove the contents without your approval. Many “Oops” Packs were released to promote their revenue as well.


Game Handle: Ho**bo**s
Realm name: Chocobos Landscape, Realm# 255
Current Power: 106 billion
Date of writing: April 28th, 2019

Your opinion of the game: its the community which kept me playing however at every opportunity mz found ways of breaking that community up especially pushing paid content constantly. The developers are greedy devaluing content at such at alarming rate nobody will purchase packs anymore. Please find a better game which will support and build a community and not just look for new ways to take your money with false advertising.

Game Handle: - bleh
Realm: Powerful Demesne, Realm # 101
Power: 41 billion, could be higher but too much work involved.
Date of writing: April 28th, 2019

Opinion: Game is really deceitful, progression is purely based on those who pay, if you dont pay you'll fall insanely behind and you can get completely destroyed with lower level troops.  MZ support doesnt work with you unless you buy pay alot.  Game performance is slow with constant crashes.  Game changes so quickly with new introductions of new things which become obsolete in a matter of days since mz likes to add new features that are way more powerful than the previous releases.  I have played this game when it first released and it was bad when it started and it only got worse.  Frankly im almost certain mz uses my realm as a test to see how things workout in other realms, primarily in terms of profits because that's all they care about

Game Handle: Not the greatest
Realm: Powerful Demesne, Realm # 101
Power: 102 billion but could be higher
Date of writing: 4/27/2019

Opinion: Game is fun at times but is very tiring and very costly, every time I have bought something it has become obsolete within a couple of days. It has made it very hard to progress and keep up with the flow. I would like ti be able to say anything positive but it's very hard to do so. It changed from free to play to pay to play and it requires so much money that the original players, most of them, have left the game. 

Game Handle: (block out few)
Realm name: Eminent Nation, Realm # 3211
Current power 6,000,000
Date of writing:4/28/19

Your opinion of the game: My ream is in server 12 we get rrs that are for cita 40 so it’s hard for us to grow only big spenders buy. It’s should balance it’s events to help others grow many have left the game now people either farm or quite the game. Some only stay for friends in the guild but beside that events suck and it boring me to even play if you ain’t a big spender.

Game Handle y*******li
Realm name: Chocobo’s Field, Realm # 575
Current Power: 22bil
Date of writing: 04/30 

Your opinion of the game: long time player who started on game of war and has been around for about 6 years. I never purchased anything on the previous games because of how fast the content was going, but started slowly making a purchase a month on ff because the pacing wss that I got to enjoy a purchase for a month or more. Stopped buying when released became so rapid you couldn't buy $100 of content and get 24 hours of value out of it. 

Realm name: 1099
Current Power: 48b
Date of writing:2019/04/29

This game is good when viewed from the side of the chat features. Very complete feature, which we can make a lot of room chat groups. For players who really like socializing, this is a fun thing. Some players even often log in not to play games but just have some fun chatting.

For war games, sorry very boring features, many other war games are more complete and challenging. The problem is that you have to use money if you want to be strong. And amazingly, this is a war game with the most expensive mall items in my history playing, and they force us to buy, because without buying, we can't progress anything. And the shock thing is, every day they put out new items that actually only change the case. The item rotation is very fast. In just a few days our items become useless. Really 100 percent useless.
For graphic, its not bad, but not good either. and its really daily meal for you if you can find bug or lag when log in to game. for android user very not friendly for your battery.

Game Handle : A mess
Realm name: 101
Current Power: 1,5T
Date of writing: 1st May 2019

Your opinion of the game: the players interactions are the only reason I keep playing. Having fun with friends I met there. This game is just the most expensive social network ever for me.

But by itself the game is completely messy and the only goal they purchase is to make you spend as much money as possible without making it count. They don't care about the players fun or about making sense. Even if you decide to buy to keep up, you regret it cause they will release something else the day after, or new packs that make yours worthless. Also, MZ can decide to throw to the garbage everything they made you invest in (by packs or time playing) and to reset the game introducing new contents. Support is also really bad, using mostly automatical answers. Not reading the requests and having a real answer is a fight. 

So basically, MZ can thank players to keep each other playing in order to spend time together and get some fun.
Was my first game of this kind, especially with spending money being necessary to play. Will be my last. Every game developed by MZ will be a no go.


Game Handle : S***K**
Realm name Aechre
Current Power: 16,313,510,505
Date of writing: May 2, 2019

Your opinion of the game: Deceptive practice by the developers has caused this game to be a nightmare. You must pay to play to excel. Addictive, you must be aware they never make anything clear in the packs sold, $99 each in most places. Support team generally unable to solve problems let alone understand problems with game purchases. At this time the problems out way the social atmosphere. The powerful get more powerful and it will cost you to even get to mediocre. Recent events have caused thousands of us to question our investment in this game.


Game Handle : 
Realm name 
Current Power: 
Date of writing: May 19, 2019

Your opinion of the game: DO NOT spend money on this game!! They are frauds. Whatever you buy, they give you very little of what you actually need & a lot of crap you don't. Then suck you into buying more n more to build your lvls only to give the rest of the game it all for free later on! Which is morally wrong and breaching laws I'me sure. Refuse to refund which is another breach... and lotd don;t wxcept a reply from them straight away! Multiple times I've waited over a week & nothing in which I have to email them again! DO NOT trust them!!!




    Contribute thoughts about the next installment in the series of MZ bait and switch scams.

    1. I have played this epic scam of a game for 2 yrs. At first, it was fun. Let me explain, when I first started playing I joined a guild that I'm still with today. It's ifact the only reason I waste time on this game. The game has deceptively ripped my ENTIRE realm off. Many times with the bait and switch scams that are THRUOUT this con of a game. I had a "choose ur hero" chest and at the time chose IRIS. It automatically gave me prompto instead. When I called the devils on it they said that the free hero didnt include iris. So I lost there. The following issue was not giving correct numbers in regards to astrals....the numbers advertised were not what u received. Many times the CS requests u send them screen shots to prove what ur saying. Even then there response is " the team is looking into it." They refuse to give refunds even when they are caught in a lie. Many times the players that spend $$$$$$$$$ to play get to abuse the game play rules by cheating scams, or pornographic imagery in the realm chats...after I brought this to attention of the developers..they stated if I didnt like it to block that player!! Do NOT PLAY THIS FILTHY RIP OFF. Square enix should be ashamed to have the FF name involved in this scam.


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